FUTURE SCOPE - Forecast with/without astrological headings - Written Tanya Obreza/edited Eric Biss
I Month report for John Major detailing transits of all planets
Jun 3 through Jul 31, Exact on Jun 19, Jul 14
Considering yourself both invincible and indestructible, you're now likely to place unrealistic expectations on yourself. If you promise more than you can deliver, then squandered energy could result in disappointment and total exhaustion. In trying to achieve too much too fast, your relentless efforts and lack of diplomacy may also cause conflicts with others.
You may now try to restructure your life - but again may find yourself fighting against limiting restrictions or obstacles. This urge to rebuild..or start a new phase in your life...could manifest through your inner self and personality - or you may actually find yourself involved in tangible rebuilding of a property or community scheme. Either way, this will be a time for regenerative expansion.
Personal and love relationships could also find themselves in the firing line - you could become the victim of a misunderstanding or someone you love and trust could now be trying to take advantage in some way. Or this insincere and manipulative behaviour may originate from you, being aimed and fired towards unsuspecting loved ones.
Beware becoming involved in dubious financial schemes. Legal matters may cause worry and headaches.
Jul 8 through Jul 13, Exact on Jul 11
Lacking clarity and direction in your life...you may feel as if you're lost in a cloud of fog..not being able to clearly see what's directly ahead. Beware deception and dishonesty. Unable to concentrate for any significant length of time, duties and responsibilities may be neglected. Drained physical energies could drag down vitality. If possible, take a few days break.
Jul 9 through Jul 12, Exact on Jul 11
This could be a time of tremendous achievements. You're both ready and able to work extremely hard towards successfully reaching personal goals and ambitions. Self confidence and a sense of adventure will urge you to take action in areas only dreamed of in the past. Logic and intuition will be well balanced.
Jul 11 through Jul 13, Exact on Jul 12
Expect some disruption to your love life during this time. Either you, or your partner, may take unusual steps to either inject some fresh life into a present relationship; or one of you will start to look for something new...a love which is more unpredictable and exciting. Love affairs started now are likely to be exhilarating and electrifying, but short lived.
Jul 10 through Jul 14, Exact on Jul 13
An unusual amount of communication through visits, meetings, letters and phones calls should keep you very busy over the next few days. However, mental overload could lead to headaches or raw and frazzled nerves. If your opinion is asked, then state it. If your opinion is challenged, then defend it - but beware being too inflexible. If necessary, be prepared to compromise.
Jul 13 through Jul 16, Exact on Jul 14
High energy levels should be concentrated on work and career - as once in a lifetime opportunities may now come your way. Promotions and salary increases are likely. You'll now be prepared to put heart, body and soul into everything you do - and this won't go unnoticed. Confidence and feelings of self-worth will soar.
Jul 13 through Jul 16, Exact on Jul 15
You're now either going to be capable of extremely hard work, with a determination and energy to drive you onwards and upwards; or you'll simply feel that no matter how hard you're trying....you're getting nowhere fast. Patience won't be your strongest virtue. Watch your temper and possible clashes with authority figures.
Jul 16 through Jul 18, Exact on Jul 17
You should get on quite well with everyone around you during this time, but especially with women. There'll be a general love of life and a feeling of joie de vivre, which you'll wish you felt more often! Very little could put you in a bad mood - you'll be too busy showering feelings of love, warmth and affection on everyone around you!
Enters on Jul 17
This is a time of discipline, enterprise and initiative. You'll now work extremely hard to get things done, and will take extreme pride in the work that you do. However, you'll not be very tolerant of anyone lording it over you, preferring to be your own boss. This could therefore lead to conflicts with those in authority, especially if you're not getting the credit you think you deserve. Also beware impatience with less energetic employees or colleagues. Keep physically active otherwise repressing frustrated energies could build up inner tension which would eventually cause health problems or accidents.
Jul 18 through Jul 19, Exact on Jul 18
Lady luck could be calling during this time, so make sure that you leave your door wide open! Feeling relaxed, easy going and sociable - many opportunities will seemingly just land in your lap - but they actually are the accumulation of previous hard graft. Spend as much time as you can with your lover - this could be a tremendously romantic period.
Jul 17 through Jul 19, Exact on Jul 18
Tension, conflict, friction...they're all words to describe the way you're now likely to be feeling towards a lover or marriage partner. Problems which have been bubbling away beneath the surface could now violently erupt and if the differences are irreconcilable, then the relationship could come to an abrupt halt. However, strong and stable relationships could survive this emotional warfare.
Jul 19 through Jul 21, Exact on Jul 20
During these next few days you should be busier than usual. Nevertheless in your haste to accomplish as much as you can, you may inadvertently tread on a few wrong toes and alienate colleagues, friends or family. If you have to make a point - then state it...and then allow others to make their own decisions.
Jul 19 through Jul 21, Exact on Jul 20
Intense emotions and feelings will cloud your better judgement over the next day or so - therefore this will be a time when the heart will rule the head. Words may be spoken in the heat of the moment which would have better been left unsaid. Alternatively, whatever you say may be misunderstood.
Jul 20 through Jul 22, Exact on Jul 21
Feeling sociable and easy going, why not take this opportunity for a pleasant, lazy get-together with close friends, lovers or family. As feelings of love should be easily expressed, problems could now be talked through and resolved. Business and career matters should also proceed smoothly.
Jul 22 through Jul 24, Exact on Jul 23
Feeling compassionate and receptive to others needs, today love and friendship should take priority over more materialistic desires. However, it's important that you allocate some quality time for yourself as well...allow yourself a few quiet moments for some restful meditation. Inspiration and imagination should also heighten creative and artistic talents.
Jul 23 through Jul 25, Exact on Jul 24
Knowing exactly what you want from life, this would be an excellent day to plan for the future. Your thought processes should be clear and concise. Discussions and communications via phone calls, letters or meetings could also take up much of your time today, especially if they involve business and career matters.
Jul 23 through Jul 25, Exact on Jul 24
Today you may become involved in a completely different social circle - or make new friends who...in time...will introduce you to areas of life never experienced before. This would be the right time to make any necessary changes in your life...as these changes could now be made without disruption or trauma. Instead of looking to the past, you should now be eagerly anticipating the future.
Jul 24 through Jul 26, Exact on Jul 25
Feeling pleasantly lazy and lethargic, you'll much prefer to sit back and enjoy the comforts of life rather than rouse yourself to any action! Planetary transits also indicate much love, romance and new friendships. One special individual may certainly have a powerful effect on your life. A financial bonus or gift could come your way...and travel is likely.
Jul 24 through Jul 27, Exact on Jul 25
This is an extremely constructive time - a time of relentless energy - a time to realise personal goals and ambitions and make dreams come true. Full of energy and raring to go, nothing will be able to stop you or get in your way during this time. There are mountains to climb and battles to conquer! It's time to take the initiative!
Jul 25 through Jul 26, Exact on Jul 26
Because of increased perception and understanding, now is the time to plan for the future. Feeling an insatiable desire to study and expand your horizons - everyday will bring new knowledge and valuable lessons learned. You may decide to retrain into a completely different career, with travel being another strong possibility. Either way, take advantage of any unexpected financial opportunities.
Jul 27 through Jul 29, Exact on Jul 28
Possessing tremendous energy, today you'll be prepared to work much harder than usual to attain goals and ambitions. Interference certainly won't be tolerated! Business affairs may incorporate legal matters, inheritance or tax affairs. Intense emotions will either strengthen your love life, or bring about some kind of final confrontation.
Jul 29 through Jul 31, Exact on Jul 30
As energy levels will be higher than usual, this could therefore be a day of tremendous achievements. Nothing or no one will be able to stop you or get in your way. Feeling confident and self assured, personal plans, career matters or financial negotiations should proceed with the minimum of stress and difficulty.
Jul 30 through Aug 1, Exact on Jul 31
Financial, legal and career matters should prove successful and lucrative today. Unwilling to take risks, all strategies will be well planned. Promotion or business expansion is likely. Help and support may come from established and respectable sources, possibly from older colleagues or parents.
Jul 31 through Aug 2, Exact on Aug 1
Lacking energy, today you'll be less active than usual - feeling more inclined to lazing around...doing as little as you can. Postpone major decisions or tasks until your energy level increases and your frame of mind is more positive. Personal relationships could also feel the strain, especially if you've recently been choosing to ignore or neglect pressing problems.
Enters on Aug 2
You'll now have a need to merge either your own emotions or financial and material possessions with others. You may be trying to borrow money. With the focus also on feeling and deep, introspective thought this is a time to concentrate on inner needs. Some sort of compulsive or irrational behaviour is likely, creating situations which may lead to changes in your life. A powerful individual may now influence your values and thoughts or you could develop a tremendous fascination for esoteric subjects or religions.
Aug 3 through Aug 4, Exact on Aug 3
Mental activities rule this period of time for you. Your words and actions will be clear, and understood by everybody. Make plans, get out and learn about new subjects; even make trips, either long or short distances. Business is favoured, and communication is clear. If you can force yourself to take things a little easier now, you are certain to get more done. You will have to do a lot of rushing around from one appointment to another, making it difficult for others to know where you are at any one time of the day. Your family routine is certain to be interrupted now.
Aug 3 through Aug 4, Exact on Aug 3
Vivid dreams may now reveal meaningful messages...these messages finally providing sensible solutions to long standing problems. However, rather than face up to responsibilities...you may now feel more inclined to escape and choose to retreat into your own fantasy world.
Aug 3 through Aug 4, Exact on Aug 4
Tremendous restless mental energy and curiosity will make you look in different and unusual directions for new experiences and distractions. Without constant stimulation, boredom will quickly set in. During the next few days you should either receive or be the bearer of unexpected and surprising news.
Aug 5 through Aug 6, Exact on Aug 5
With heightened mental, intuitive and psychic abilities increasing perception and understanding, this is a time of learning. Delving deeply for the truth, secret information may now come to light. Business deals and financial transactions should now work to your advantage. New friendships may be formed with older, wiser individuals.
Aug 6 through Aug 7, Exact on Aug 6
Your thought processes should be much more clear and concise over the next few days. Knowing exactly what you want, this would therefore be an excellent time to plan for the future. Discussions and communications via phone calls and letters could take up much of your time, especially if they involve business and career matters.
Exact on Aug 7
Avoid anything which could upset you or disturb your routine or equilibrium during the next few days. Unable to properly defend yourself, you may find it difficult to cope with any disputes or strife. You may become the victim instead of the victor. Problems in both your love life and social life are likely, so perhaps it's best to keep your head down and out of the firing line.
Aug 6 through Aug 7, Exact on Aug 7
Your concentration and patience threshold will be much higher than usual. Therefore, if there's any task that needs serious thought, study or concentration, then this next few days would be an excellent time to tackle it. This won't be so much a time of chasing dreams...but a time for turning dreams into concrete reality!
Aug 7 through Aug 9, Exact on Aug 8
Uncontrolled anger could lead to disputes and conflicts today, especially with those in authority. Feeling irritable, tense and touchy...perhaps it would be best to keep your head down and well out of the firing line. Alternatively, if you can control this explosive energy, then much could be achieved by the end of the day.
Aug 7 through Aug 9, Exact on Aug 8
News is likely to come your way that will affect your love life - perhaps via an unexpected letter or phone call. This may not necessarily be bad news, but it may temporarily shatter the peace and tranquillity of your home life. Be careful not to spread gossip during this time.
Aug 7 through Aug 9, Exact on Aug 8
With your head in the clouds for a few days, postpone making major decisions whilst in this vague and dreamy state. Love will be of the most pure, selfless kind - with your own ego being temporarily forfeited to the devotion of others. But beware putting loved ones on a pedestal - in times to come they may not live up to your expectations. Creativity could be exceptionally inspired.
Aug 8 through Aug 10, Exact on Aug 9
Are you ready for some love and romance? All relationships should now become more loving and secure, especially if you manage to re-awaken slumbering passions. You may now be ready to make a more long term commitment to your partner. New love affairs should be exciting and unusual, so expect the unexpected! Cash flow should also improve, as should health.
Enters on Aug 9
A time of tension and conflict in your relationships with others, especially marriage partners. Beware venting your anger and frustration on those closest to you just for the sake of it. There's also a slight danger of your partner suffering minor illness or an accident. You may find it difficult to compromise, but do try, especially if discussing legal matters. Looking on the bright side, at least hidden grievances will finally be brought out into the open, hopefully helping to clear the air. You'll also be willing to stand up for the rights of others who can't stand up for themselves.
Aug 10 through Aug 11, Exact on Aug 10
Although your own feelings could easily be hurt over the next few days, no one would know it as you'll be hiding inner emotions and thoughts behind a protective emotional barrier. Feeling irritable, moody and bad tempered..in retaliation, you're likely to verbally strike out against anyone and everyone within shouting distance, often being contrary just for the sake of it. Take particular care when travelling or handling sharp instruments.
Aug 3 through Aug 21, Exact on Aug 13
This should be a happy, cheerful and peaceful period in your life with friendships playing an even more import role in your everyday affairs. In particular, there is likely to be more contact with women...with a friend, wife, or even business partner bringing more comfort and stability into your life.
If a friend asks you for help...then don't hesitate doing what you can for them. In time to come this favour (and many more) will be returned with the same love and support that you, yourself, gave.
You may find yourself dealing with the public much more than usual during this time...but be confident because the outcome will be extremely successful.
Expect some contact from abroad...especially from friends and family living overseas. They may even surprise you with a visit or a phone call.
Finances and cash flow should finally look more prosperous.